Hello and welcome to the first Open Call Guest Artist Week here at Narbonic! Our first strip, a tribute to the timeworn online-guest-artist tradition, was drawn by Matthew Blackwell.
This strip is dedicated to Matthew Blackwell.
Strip #2 is the work of Michael Levy. As you can see, the addition of more guns and an actual visible death ray improves my art dramatically.
This strip is dedicated to Michael Levy.
Behold: an adorable strip by fellow Nice cartoonist Isabel Gonzalez, who draws Namir Deiter. Look how cute! EEEEEEEE!!!!
This strip is dedicated to Isabel Gonzalez.
Next up is a strip by Tall T, who draws a strip called Once Were Stars. Anyway, check out hs strip.
This strip is dedicated to Tall T.
Steven Chin sent me this strip at the last minute. I think he drew it with a mouse. It's really cute.
This strip is dedicated to Steven Chin.
And this one comes from Willow. I don't usually think about my cartoon characters this way, but Mell looks really hot here. It kind of freaks me out.
This strip is dedicated to Willow.